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II IRT Memorial Steinitz

Last update 15.05.2011 23:15:17, Creator/Last Upload: Maximo Igor Macedo

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Starting rank list

1FMPinto Carlos Henrique Lopes2101378BRA2078
2Da Costa Jose Artanael Campos2124645BRA2038
3Macedo Alexandre Soares De2103451BRA1973
4Pinheiro Junior Emanuel Elieze2135825BRA1922
5Rodrigues Flavio Leite2111446BRA1902
6Rocha Vitor Firmo De Souza2102951BRA1862
7Jordao Barbosa Marcio2116219BRA1812
8Macedo Luiz Soares De2104164BRA1780
9Quaranta Neto Francisco2142015BRA0
10Medeiros Israel Costa Smith De2135817BRA0
11Pinheiro Ghabriel Alves2138786BRA0
12Cirne Bruno Uchoa2138751BRA0
13Dantas Isaac Pereira2137470BRA0
14Da Silva Evandro BernardinoBRA0