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Klaipeda championship 2020

Last update 15.03.2020 12:01:35, Creator/Last Upload: sseleman

Starting rank list of players

2Drozdov Sergej12800945LTU2195
3Pidluznij Gleb12817082LTU2036
10WFMSibajeva Marija12807583LTU2013
4Jablokov Dmitrij12811289LTU1896
7Stasius Vidmantas12808270LTU1880
1Zirnovas Martynas12803880LTU1780
5Jankus Giedrius12810983LTU1767
12Gluchaciov Nikolaj12807044LTU1734
6Pakalniskis Romas12803146LTU1654
11Scekaciov Rostislav12827363LTU1576
8Ionin Ilja12814121LTU1503
9Borisovaite Ana12808644LTU1375