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Tournoi Patte d'oie

Last update 11.08.2020 19:03:08, Creator/Last Upload: Mario Kpan

Starting rank list of players

12Lesbros Bernard614831SEN194019281940
8Marochkina Nadezhda Valerevna19900490SEN190201902
2Cisse Amadou Lamine19900228SEN187201872
9Badji Sekou Aransbene19900074SEN181218121812
1Diatta Kaunduma Robert19900163SEN177917791779
10Fall Mouhamadou Mourtada19900503SEN177701777
4Diop Wara19900031SEN176901769
11El Hadji Saidou Nourou Ba19900511SEN171601716
3Diarra Rassoul19900422SEN170117011701
6Ndione Mamadou19900201SEN167601676
7Cisse Ibrahima19900171SEN165401654
5Diankha Fatou19900392SEN143801438