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Torneo Internacional Colombia Tierra de Atletas Grupo B

Last update 19.12.2020 17:37:03, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

9IMMorales Jhon Alexander04401450COL240024000
2IMHernandez Sanchez Jairo Andres04404017COL239423940
1FMBrizuela Abreu Ronald Jesus03903648VEN236123610
6FMMateus Alejandro04402529COL235323530
7IMPalencia Morales Wilson Guillermo04401859VEN234023400
10FMSoto Miguel Angel04427467COL227322730
5Escobar Medina Andres F04406290COL224922490
8FMMalka Samuel020643675FRA220322030
3WIMArgote Heredia Valentina04431022COL215021500
11WGMHeredia Serrano Carla03603687ECU211421140
4IMPazos Gambarrotti Plinio03600068ECU210921090