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Torneigs territorials tancats "Dimecres al Tres Peons" Grup B (255967)

Last update 28.04.2021 21:01:59, Creator/Last Upload: Daniel Leiro Giralt

Starting rank list of players

5Viader Oliver Mauro215852450901916611867Tres Peons C.E.
7Gaona Vila Pau165122224499916031846Penya Mollet Xxi, Club D'escac
4Bagur Cantallops Antoni209122223332616121844Tres Peons C.E.
6Garcia Miralles Eduard3798735454672916011821Tres Peons C.E.
9Langstrom Sammy286642457699915791818Tres Peons C.E.
1Gerdt Basullas Till3849055473323516971805Tres Peons C.E.
2Menendez Cabrera Enric294652457986615411804Colon Sabadell Chessy
8Membrives Pino Didac3797695453714215321788El Prat, C.E.
10Buxade Ribot Carles276062458273515301773Espiga De Les Corts
3Sorochanov Maxim3863865476659116771760Tres Peons C.E.