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Results FINAL. Trophy-winners will be contacted by Mike Truran for postal address details.

6th 4NCL Online Congress Under 1400

Last update 30.03.2021 23:03:10, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Starting rank list

1Clancy DavidIRL1396
2Aydin BoraENG1375
3Walsh ShaunENG1365
4Mcwilliams Mark DENG1355
5Hynes Thomas FENG1354
6Cooper John LENG1327
7Reyes CraigENG1301
8Ainslie RichardENG1300
9Vdovycia TitasENG1295
10March Steven JENG1292
11Waugh NormanSCO1285
12Cox R DavidENG1270
13Russell LloydENG1267
14Babu RohanENG1265
15Riddle AlanENG1239
16Pitts DanielENG1238
17Payne PhillipENG1235
18Tekniepe T KlausENG1224
19Fowler David ASCO1210
20Tierney JohnENG1200
21Vallejo EldonENG1200
22Rosselli LucasENG1188
23Neri MarcoENG1181
24Spirling FlorenceENG1173
25Lin AndyENG1171
26Hazell GeorgeENG1170
27Saha SoumilENG1153
28Giua PaoloENG1144
29Wright George AENG1133
30Mcbride TimothyENG1112
31Vleju NicolaeENG1100
32Wang YileENG1083
33Cooper Dominic AcENG1060
34Kinchin LewisENG1050
35Richards OliverENG1023
36Vleju AlexENG1023
37Wiggett SophieENG1015
38Fretwell AmeliaENG1008
39Pal RheaENG995
40Li PengxiangENG950
41Gong ZimingENG723