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Sri Lanka Youth (U14) Girls Chess Grand Prix - 2021 [Group X]

Last update 10.04.2021 15:22:24, Creator/Last Upload: Tharindu Weerasekara

Starting rank list of players

6WCMSanudula K M Dahamdi9932470SRI1707
7Ranganath Tharuli Vihasna9997865SRI1390
8Gunawardhana Devindya Oshini29941482SRI1358
3Ramanayake Nemindi Linaya9991069SRI1290
9Sandanayake Dehansa Nisanduni9968210SRI1231
1Abeysekara Yasasi Geemini9974024SRI1219
2Somarathne L H M G S9994408SRI1146
5Bimansa D G Jayandi29946697SRI1069
4Sithumsa H G Sasmi29953910SRI0