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Results FINAL. Trophy winners will be published at the 4NCL website soon.
Trophy winners can expect to be contacted by Mike Truran for postal address details.

8th 4NCL Online Congress Under 1400

Last update 23.05.2021 19:46:49, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Starting rank list

1Aydin BoraENG1363
2Gururaj RithwikENG1349
3Hynes Thomas F452181ENG1348
4Kumar Satyam490377ENG1330
5Clancy DavidIRL1320
6Reyes Craig343114133ENG1315
7Russell LloydENG1278
8Cox R David454745ENG1249
9Fowler David ASCO1231
10Wayne StevenENG1229
11Saha SoumilENG1214
12Tekniepe T KlausENG1190
13Garner Luke489743ENG1186
14Wang YileENG1167
15Shelley JenniferSCO1165
16Russell AdamENG1158
17Riddle Alan431109ENG1154
18Chan Ngo Yu66202299HKG1153
19Lynn Angelo2409429SCO1152
20Pitts DanielENG1137
21Wright George AENG1126