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Results FINAL: apologies for the (unavoidable) delay in confirming.

9th 4NCL Online Congress Under 1700

Last update 06.07.2021 23:11:46, Creator/Last Upload: 4NCL

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Starting rank list

1Vernon Colin GENG1620
2Ellinger WilliamENG1610
3Li YuanxiENG1517
4Richards Maurice AENG1485
5Fancourt Leslie JENG1483
6Harrington PeterENG1452
7Constable Christine FENG1447
8Upton W E (Bill)ENG1410
9Matilal Tamal KENG1405
10Russo GiovanniENG1386
11Peach Clifford BENG1360
12McWilliams Mark DENG1353
13Pitts TomENG1331
14Scott JaneENG1293