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37th Lebanese Individual Chess Championship 2011 - Final Stage

Last update 14.09.2011 23:52:15, Creator/Last Upload: Lebanese Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1FMKhairallah FaisalLBN2283
2FMNajjar AhmadLBN2267
3CMKassis AntoineLBN2230
4CMSakr NassimLBN2178
5CMEl Jawich AmroLBN2155
6Maasarani MahmoudLBN2111
7Nassar MarwanLBN2072
8Shamieh JamalLBN2068
9Bassel CharafLBN2034
10Sharbel MarwanLBN2028
11Daniel KobeissiLBN2024
12FMChahrour IbrahimLBN1966
13Akhrass RolandLBN1946
14Adeimi MichelLBN1895
15Haidar AminLBN0
16Jihad Al HusseiniLBN0