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Uzavreté majstrovstvá SR v šachu jednotlivcov 2021

Last update 29.09.2021 13:43:50, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 32

Starting rank list of players

6GMPechac Jergus14926970SVK2541
5IMDruska Juraj14915650SVK2501
1IMNeugebauer Martin14923432SVK2485
3IMPetenyi Tamas14909090SVK2463
9IMSahidi Samir14936372SVK2436
4IMMazur Stefan14909332SVK2417
7GMPacher Milan14907445SVK2415
10GMJurcik Marian14907518SVK2406
2FMKostolansky Sebastian Lukas14950596SVK2402
8FMIstona Martin14923475SVK2198