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IM Round Robin ,, Akva Gold 3 ,,

Last update 06.08.2021 14:39:41, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of central Serbia

Starting rank list of players

3GMIlincic Zlatko900346SRB2395
7GMCabrilo Goran900249SRB2377
2Vojinovic Luka922846SRB2265
6IMBrkljaca Ante900567SRB2247
8Ivanovic Marko967408SRB2245
10FMVlajkovic Stanko963852SRB2233
1Lekic Miodrag908401SRB2219
4WIMRakshitta Ravi25073230IND2190
9FMEfremov Vladislav44159935RUS2173
5Chen Jonathan30919878USA2103