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Vezerkepzo GM July

Last update 06.08.2021 15:05:00, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 22

Starting rank list of players

6GMNagy Gabor737119HUN2518
5IMKaczur Florian705098HUN2495
3GMHorvath Adam708003HUN2494
7CMShahil Dey35062352IND2426
1GMNguyen Huynh Minh Huy12401269VIE2420
9FMPersanyi Barnabas771279HUN2362
4FMManish Anto Cristiano F25095927IND2354
2IMKrstulovic Alex760056HUN2353
10FMKumar Nikhil30909040USA2302
8CMDev Shah35019058IND2270