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Turnaj sv. Jana Nepomuckého Turnaj A

Last update 19.09.2021 22:56:16, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of the Czech Republic

Starting rank list of players

4IMHausner Ivan300110CZE233523352310
9IMMichalek Jan303976CZE227622762286
3FMSprenar Petr397164CZE221622162244
10IMJurek Josef300993CZE220422042185
6Lajbl Jan390240CZE220422042193
8Flajsman Pavel391476CZE216421642156
5Folk Petr302996CZE215421542148
1Pokrupa Marek307386CZE214021402167
2FMCesal Jaroslav300900CZE213221322140
7Kopriva Martin357740CZE210521052077