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XVI° Campeonato Amapaense de Xadrez Absoluto 2021 – Etapa 2

Last update 29.08.2021 23:34:58, Creator/Last Upload: Federacao de Xadrez do Amapa

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Starting rank list

1Teles Elder De Oliveira22722513BRA18051938
2Gregorio Joanderson Olimpio22727329BRA17891871
3Alves Josue Pires2152002BRA17141906
4Viana Aline Nascimento2193418BRA16791825
5Pires Enzo Luis Albuquerque22739246BRA16501854
6Carvalho Marcio Gomes2152096BRA16391871
7Quaresma Givanildo Ribeiro22750703BRA16381846
8De Magalhaes Gustavo A Linhares22750681BRA15001828
9Pereira Marcos Vinicius Ferreira2152045BRA14671751
10De Lima Filipe Chagas22784241BRA01800
11De Sousa Estevao Angelo22781706BRA01800
12Lamarao Diego Ferreira22783440BRA01795
13De Lima Lucas Ribeiro22783431BRA01785
14De Oliveira Ziro Diniz22783580BRA01765
15Moura Daniel Augusto Mendes22784128BRA01754
16De Castro Jeferson Ferreira22783423BRA01750
17Dantas Henrick Vinicius Prado22729283BRA01713
18Alves Arthur ColaresBRA00
19Alves Davi ColaresBRA00