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Wiener Landesmeisterschaft 2021

Last update 08.10.2021 13:38:18, Creator/Last Upload: Wiener Schachverband (TA)

Starting rank list of players

10GMSchlosser Philipp4600169GER2546
1GMStanec Nikolaus1601776AUT2480
9IMKilgus Georg1606212AUT2449
7IMFröwis Georg1618423AUT2441
2GMBalinov Ilia1610201AUT2430
5FMCu Hor Winston Darwin7300662GUA2338
4FMMorgunov Marc1640305AUT2317
3FMMica Marek382884CZE2304
8Frank Adam384720CZE2279
6FMPeyrer Konstantin1640879AUT2246