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Guildford 2021-10-07 Standard 45+15

Last update 16.12.2021 23:02:21, Creator/Last Upload:

Starting rank list of players

1Toon James MG343401392ENG2020Guildford
2Shepley Julien M403210ENG1914Guildford
3Berry Lawrence1870Guildford
4Armiger Paul D441856ENG1800Guildford
5Crosswell Neil1698Guildford
6Firth Joe1600Guildford
7Cule Jurica1563Guildford
8Celebi Serhan1553Guildford
9Long David1496Guildford
10Hope Russell1413Guildford
11Odigwe Michael1400Guildford
12Piatt Archie496421ENG1119Guildford