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Northumberland Championship Gilroy 2021-22

Last update 27.04.2022 09:04:12, Creator/Last Upload: Lara Barnes IA

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Starting rank list

1Baird Jeff1558961698Forest Hall
2Peardon Dave1034371683South Shields
3Moreby Kurt E2872501675Gosforth
4Chester Ian B1862791638Gosforth
5Mosse Denise M1158941615Gosforth
6Cox Kevin1803981608Gateshead
7Makkouk Khaled3426951600Gosforth
8Noble William1237511570Gateshead
9Heyman Robert1046861540Gosforth
10Rook Ian R1181861503Forest Hall
11Wells Peter J1241531503Gateshead
12Hutchins Andrew3287371480Forest Hall
13Appleby J Robert1747241420Leam Lane
14Miller Joseph E3125531353Leam Lane
15Griffiths Albert3419800Gosforth
16Simm David3426960Morpeth