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IRQ Final For Men 2021

Last update 03.11.2021 12:38:32, Creator/Last Upload: IRAQI Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

9FMSalih Akar Ali Salih4800575IRQ2283
3IMAl-Ali Hussein Ali Hussein4800192IRQ2277
6FMAhmed Ali Layth Ahmed4801920IRQ2253
5FMMohammed Zozek Salah Mohammed4803361IRQ2247
8IMNoah A .H. Al-Ali4800249IRQ2247
4FMAbdulwahhab Ahmed Abdulsattar A4801849IRQ2202
7Aryan Ali Ehsan4813235IRQ2132
2CMIsmael Namir Mohammed Ismael4800800IRQ2090
10FMRabeea Sabah Nori4806212IRQ2022
1IMNoori Sabah Nori4806620IRQ1894