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XVI Juegos Nacionales Fedeliv 2021 para limitados visuales Ajedrez CLASICO Masculino

Last update 01.11.2021 21:24:45, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Daza Fernando4413610CUN1851
2Jaimes Fredy Alexander4418514SAN1825
3Torres Saulo De Jesus4403622RIS1782
4Rico Hernandez Edgar4427823SAN1761
5Pena Romero Edwin Oswaldo4482921CUN1744
6Sanchez Carlos Andres4430298RIS1687
7Oyola Fernando4455541BOG1607
8Urda Palacio Carlos Mario4498020COR1600
9Cuellar Jose Gabriel4431260CUN1595
10Alvarez Juan Evangelista4437900CAU1575
11Franco Perez William4418344NS1556
12Barajas Hernandez Nestor Giovany4499344SAN1529
13Lopez Bedoya Wilson4485300TOL1517
14Martinez Roa Alejandro4485327TOL1508
15Pena Castro Francisco4479343TOL1502
16Mamian Guerrero Edigson4455525CAU1468
17Bastidas Efren4475976CAU1400
18Ramirez Orlando4427793SAN1385
19Vasquez Giraldo Jovanny4467345ANT1311
20Blandon Jaramillo Raul AntonioCOR0
21Cuestas Rivera Gerardo AlbertoCAU0
22Gomez Moreno Freddy AlonzoBOG0
23Rivera Acosta Nertor OrlandoTOL0