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Semifinal Femenina 2020-2021

Last update 21.11.2021 16:18:45, Creator: Paraguayan Chess Federation,Last Upload: cataman1962

Starting rank list of players

7WFMPerez Dalila3702014PAR1873
3Oviedo Acosta Paula3704394PAR1687
6Montiel Caceres Helen3707121PAR1668
8Sanchez Bobadilla Valeria Belen3712206PAR1449
1Vera Mercado Yanina Fiorella3711323PAR1376
2Mayeregger Gonzalez Renata3708900PAR1315
5Munoz Orozco Shirley Grace3910857VEN1152
4Lugo Martinez Jimena Sofia3710793PAR1101