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260957 Tancat MI 50 aniversari Tres Peons

Last update 25.11.2021 22:28:57, Creator/Last Upload: Miquel Fernandez-Diaz Mascort

Starting rank list of players

5GMMunoz Miguel3800229PER2454Lira Vendrellenca
10IMPanelo Marcelo104213ARG2400Tres Peons
1IMOotes Lars1019708NED2376Tres Peons
7IMValenzuela Gomez Fernando3409392CHI2358SC Colon Sabadell
4FMExposito Amaro Josue2223198ESP2283Agusti
3MKMartin Barcelo Carles24561444ESP2252Barcelona
8FMJimenez Ruano Adrian22276050ESP2240Barcelona
9IMBenedetti Julio172545ARG2203Mollet
6FMCastillo Dalmau Albert32009925ESP2203Vila Olimpica
2Aranda Flores Jordi2297400ESP2176Tres Peons