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Campeonatos Entrerrianos Promocionales Sub 16

Last update 10.12.2021 19:10:40, Creator/Last Upload: FADA – Comision Tecnica Argentina

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Starting rank list

1Zalisnak Andrei199117ARG1662Esc. de Ajedrez Concordia
2Mahmud Lihue Mateo194050ARG1634La Gotera
3Parrilla Juan Jose194093ARG1529Republica de Italia
4Toller Nahuel197815ARG1396CSD Federacion
5Archaina YaelARG0A.D.A.G
6Morinico JuanARG0Sindicato Empleados de Comercio
7Morison Enzo GabrielARG0Club Rca de Ïtalia
8Uhrig Carlos AndresARG0C.A.A.H.J.LS.
9Vilche Exequiel GustavoARG0C.A.A.H.J.LS.