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Tournament Organiser: GM Attila Czebe
Tournament venue:St. George Residence Hotel
4 Fortuna street, Budapest 1014 HUNGARY (

Vezerkepzo Winter IM 2022

Last update 03.02.2022 14:30:21, Creator/Last Upload: Chessbill

Starting rank list of players

7GMMirzoev Azer13400304AZE2432
4FMManu David Suthandram R35019562IND2368
3IMBalla Tamas-Kristof1208497ROU2330
10WIMMihok-Juhasz Barbara743585HUN2284
1IMNemeth Zoltan700657HUN2254
5FMGombocz Ferenc Jr.775029HUN2250
2CMRajarishi Karthi5092523IND2230
6Pogany Zsombor785369HUN2205
9Harsh Suresh45018464IND2078
8Krivenko Dion4508378EST2061