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Final Phase Kenya National Team Selection - Ladies Section

Last update 09.02.2022 06:51:40, Creator/Last Upload: Kenya Chess-Federation

Starting rank list of players

6WCMNdirangu Joyce Nyaruai10802886KEN1665
8WFMMongeli Sasha10809090KEN1609
10WCMWanjiru Lucy10808590KEN1586
9Madelta Glenda10814949KEN1455
5Mwendwa Triza10814965KEN1403
1Jerop Sheila10819770KEN1362
3Muthoni Vivian10806725KEN1360
11Mutisya Jully10814922KEN1344
7Obondo Cynthia Awino10814981KEN1341
4Matei Veronicah10826939KEN1287
2Nicole Albright10813330KEN1237