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Championnat de Monaco 2022

Last update 16.02.2022 11:11:14, Creator/Last Upload: IA Dominique DERVIEUX

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Starting rank list

1GMEfimov Igor806404MNC2381
2GMBagheri Amir12500283MNC2360
3WGMDornbusch Tatiana14107449MNC2238
4Ribbegren Karl Johan5400040MNC2183
5FMVerdier Patrice606340MNC2057
6FMVan Hoolandt Patrick200999MNC2054
7Roussiere Christophe628395FRA1948
8Berthaut Alexandre26080192MNC1925
9Kien Clovis36018180MNC1865
10WCMBerezovska Svetlana5400740MNC1796
11WCMJose Polanco Kenia6401074MNC1759
12WIMDubois Martine601926MNC1729
13Rapaire Jean-Michel5400023MNC1724
14Gerbaudo Pascal5401267MNC1690
15WIMLebel-Arias Julia602019MNC1666
16Cairo Serge697508FRA1648
17Berezovsky Fiorina5400651MNC1607
18Engel Norbert654876FRA1593
19Kien Lancelot36052400MNC1418
20L`herbon De Lussats Jean20652194MNC1256