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Chin Van Xanddorj GM Tournament "World Mongolians 2011", Classic

Last update 11.12.2011 12:09:48, Creator/Last Upload: Mongolian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

1GMShomoev AntonRUS2578
3IMGundavaa BayarsaikhanMGL2478
10FMBadmatsyrenov OlegRUS2464
8IMMunguntuul BatkhuyagMGL2459
2IMBatchuluun TsegmedMGL2446
4GMAsanov BolatKAZ2442
7GMSharavdorj DashzegveMGL2440
5GMHaznedaroglu KivancTUR2426
6GMKhatanbaatar BazarMGL2356
9WGMBatchimeg TuvshintugsMGL2324