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Danish Championship 2022 - Master Group

Last update 17.04.2022 16:54:00, Creator/Last Upload: TrekantensSkak

Starting rank list of players

10GMBjerre Jonas Buhl1444948DEN2611
2GMThybo Jesper Sondergaard1438832DEN2559
8IMOchsner Bjorn Moller1416928DEN2506
3GMSchandorff Lars1400070DEN2475
5IMBorge Nikolaj1400312DEN2403
4IMOlsen Filip Boe1440640DEN2402
1IMPercivaldi Martin1508148DEN2399
9IMHaubro Martin1414291DEN2391
7GMHoi Carsten1400100DEN2359
6IMSylvan Jacob1402137DEN2319