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27. Kadetsko prvenstvo mladih - finale U18

Last update 03.05.2022 17:48:42, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Pobor Milo16503589MNE2197U18Crnogorac
2Kovacevic Dragoljub16502701MNE2174U18Mladost
3Vujovic Savo16504020MNE2139U18Crnogorac
4Andjelic Djordje16502094MNE1928U18Mladost
5Popovic Mateja16504518MNE1724wU18Buducnost
6Perisic Nikola16506049MNE1665U18Mladost
7Janjusevic Bozidar16507231MNE1579U18Mladost
8Guzina Aleksandar16505344MNE1520U18Mladost
9Zindovic Selena16505484MNE1358wU18Dijagonale
10Ivanovic Tara16504976MNE1329wU18Buducnost
11Dzuver RadovanMNE0U187. Oktobar
12Radovic Nemanja16507240MNE0U18Buducnost
13Sahmanovic EmirMNE0U18Buducnost