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2022 SACCC Senior

Last update 14.05.2022 15:03:23, Creator: Andrew Talmarkes,Last Upload: Hendrik du Toit

Starting rank list of players

10Lewis Mark16201796814305674RSA187518751802
8Steyn Hans17103627014304309RSA184018401872
4Southey Andrew14703575514303191RSA175617561752
1Ohlson Cecil16106624814325845RSA162016201629
6Galleid Stephen15301018114305437RSA157815781590
2Van Schaik Michael16804047214321580RSA157815781606
5Esau Omar16400906414301407RSA152115211380
3Goosen Pierre16309262914332841RSA142714271254
7Gabriels Zaid16901012814309912RSA135701357
9Baker Gregory16005938314343312RSA104401044