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Campeonato de Tenerife juvenil-Copa Cabildo 2012 ( 65606 )

Last update 21.01.2012 12:27:37, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Federation (Arbiter Comitee)

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Starting rank

1Korneev SvyatoslavESP1915
2Gonzalez Garcia ZoiloESP1676
3Villavicencio Sanchez PedroESP1576
4Rodriguez Govea Alejandro JoseESP1556
5Ferrera Gonzalez CarlosESP1544
6Pozo Vinuesa PedroESP1530
7Pozo Vinuesa ElenaESP1515
8Rodriguez Govea ElizabethESP1503
9Abreu Perez AbigailESP1440
10Rodriguez Redondo EthanESP1425
11Redondo Martin EnriqueESP1415
12Gutierrez Perdigon AlfredoESP1407
13Pozo Vinuesa AnaESP1390
14Gil Ojeda JorgeESP1298
15Rodriguez Redondo AdharaESP1580
16Chirinos Rodriguez Jonathan EdESP0
17De Castro De Leon JorgeESP0
18Gonzalez De Armas MarcialESP0
19Hardisson Revert Arturo JesusESP0
20Perez Perez IsaacESP0
21Rodriguez Govea BeatrizESP0
22Szatkowski MaksymilianESP0