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Final syrian individual Chess Championship 2022

Last update 30.05.2022 20:42:22, Creator/Last Upload: Syrian Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

5IMEiti Bashir7601875SYR2337
6FMKoniahli Malek.7603495SYR2238
7IMAlzaim Talal7600402SYR2218
9FMHamad Ahmad7600364SYR2218
3Chekh Adm Khedr Aram7601948SYR2147
8Alshaar Nabil7601638SYR2065
1Altorky Amer7601379SYR2040
4Gnaam Koteba.7603991SYR2003
2Kareem Hneidi.7608730SYR1958
10Fandi Mazen.7611625SYR1715