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Jubilee Congress Minor

Last update 07.06.2022 10:38:45, Creator/Last Upload: Scotland chess federation (License 3)

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Starting rank list

1Mcintyre FraserSCO1208Troon
2Mcintyre AlastairSCO1188Glasgow Polytechnic
3Irvine MarkSCO1159East Kilbride
4McCulloch Andrew2405393SCO1150Giffnock
5O'neill JimSCO1127Glasgow Polytechnic
6Dallas AlastairSCO1059Dumfries
7Smith Mark2405113SCO1051Edinburgh
8Coleman DanielSCO1037Castlehill
9Mclaughlin RobertSCO1028Irvine
10Shields Iain2410427SCO1020Phones
11Rankine Derek2409763SCO1018Govanhill
12Reid NicholasSCO952Hamilton
13Reid JoshuaSCO856Hamilton
14Mcnaught Jordan2410656SCO0Glasgow Resident