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SBCC 2022-05-31 Standard 45+15

Last update 04.08.2022 20:54:14, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank list

1Hodgson John H403520ENG2081Wanstead
2Toon James M G343401392ENG2075Guildford
3French Angus J410810ENG1987Streatham
4Durno SamuelENG1883Woking
5Tillett Matthew S434302ENG1881Streatham
6Dickens Rupert S470210ENG1879Athenaeum
7Grace MattENG1848Streatham
8Hall Antony C424196ENG1824Streatham
9Chung MichaelENG1658Streatham
10Adatia Amar471976ENG1476Kent Junior Congresses
11Mo AlexENG1440Kent Junior Congresses
12Wojtowicz BartoszENG1400Streatham