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Tournoi Scolaire Zoueiratt 2022

Last update 12.06.2022 21:58:32, Creator/Last Upload: Fédération Mauritanienne des échecs

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Starting rank list

1Abdellahi Taher19603878MTN0
2Abderrahman Boidiya19603851MTN0
3Ahmed Weissat19603908MTN0
4Brahim Sidimohamed19605102MTN0
5Didda Weissat19605137MTN0
6El Hassen Sidimohamed19605145MTN0
7El Mamy Mogueya19603932MTN0
8Elhousseyen Sidimohamed19605153MTN0
9Emhamed Ethmane19605072MTN0
10Fatimetoua Mohamed LaghdafMTN0
11Hassen Ethman19603860MTN0
12Mazen ChaabaniMTN0
13Mohamed Lemine Abdella19605196MTN0
14Mohamed Mahmoud Hatem19603916MTN0