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First Saturday GM 2022 July

Last update 12.07.2022 19:34:10, Creator/Last Upload: Oleg Tovchyga

Starting rank list of players

1GMAveskulov Valeriy14109743UKR2527
5GMNguyen Huynh Minh Huy12401269VIE2433
8IMHilby Craig2062674USA2422
7GMPacher Milan14907445SVK2399
4FMVanczak Tamas759929HUN2391
9FMPribelszky Bence769738HUN2366
2FMRoyal Shreyas448869ENG2353
3FMStinka Jakub391662CZE2335
6FMLye Lik Zang5712181MAS2327
10FMVelikanov Alexander2039290USA2325