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Tirnavia - Richard Reti Memorial 2022 A Augustus cup GM

Last update 18.08.2022 22:03:59, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 22

Starting rank list of players

7GMPechac Jergus14926970SVK2587
2IMSahidi Samir14936372SVK2477
10IMMalinovsky Karel313874CZE2461
8GMPacher Milan14907445SVK2422
9FMFinek Vaclav23718293CZE2397
5GMCzebe Attila705268HUN2385
4GMVelicka Petr300659CZE2379
3FMJablonicky Martin14925621SVK2343
6FMFarkas Gabor14908034SVK2325
1Stevik Patrik14944812SVK2142