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Tirnavia - Richard Reti Memorial 2022 B IM O pohár XML Team

Last update 29.08.2022 16:08:09, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation license 22

Starting rank list of players

4IMBures Jaroslav322890CZE2406
10FMPapp Levente751243HUN2394
2FMStraka Jozef14910560SVK2304
3IMLanc Alois14900041SVK2263
5Svana Peter14910381SVK2255
6FMLeszko Bence769070HUN2244
9IMPetran Peter14900114SVK2243
7Konyves Almos785911HUN2202
8Skreko Igor14959704SVK2173
1Skreno Vladimir14902893SVK2083