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Zheliandinov memorial 2022

Last update 22.08.2022 17:33:20, Creator/Last Upload: Lviv Region CF

Starting rank list of players

12Molyboha Volodymyr4116631UKR2287
7FMZazuliak Andriy14116138UKR2258
6FMFishchuk Vladyslav34122117UKR2200
1IMTerletsky Oleg14116774UKR2176
11Polishchuk Oleg14106019UKR2128
5FMMedvedyk Volodymyr14137186UKR2111
2Pugachov Ilia14115689UKR2103
4Francuzov Alexander14105713UKR2088
9Baziuk Vladyslav34107940UKR2078
8Hnatyshyn Anastasiia14198339UKR2061
10Karvatskyi Oleksii14191059UKR1901
3Shevchuk Dmytro34111891UKR1799