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Torneo Apertura 2012

Last update 02.07.2012 16:34:26, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 364)

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Starting rank

1Garcia Corada Pedro20212102
2Molina Martin Luis Miguel20012126
3Loza Matovelle David19761978
4Cernuda Orejas Victor Manuel19341997
5Fernandez Velasquez Julian F18921957
6Valverde Lujan Cesar18901899
7Gamboa Torres Luis Alejandro18401864
8Amigo Roman Pedro18391984
9Fernandez De La Fuente Jose A17461809
10Aguirre Urrutia Juan Jose17351711
11Manchon Estevez Pascual Arturo17341728
12Torralbo Asagra Jaime Andres17321841
13Sobrino Garcia Raul17311853
14Ampudia Asensio Jose Luis17051701
15Hernamperez Manso Jose Maria16821625
16Martin De Aguilera Del Amo Jai16701787
17Gago Gonzalves Jose Fernando16631770
18Diez Fernandez Jose Antonio16051503
19Gil Dominguez Angel Jesus15711566
20Villacorta Nicolas Carlos15341385
21Costache Bogdan Alexandru14801608
22Castillo Montes Sebastian13941494
23Fernandez Arias Vicente01797
24Jaen Martin Miguel01728
25Merino Bravo Alejandro01680
26Chicau Chambel Manuel Francisc01642
27Sanchez Campos Luis Antonio01642
28San Jose Calderon Manuel01626
29Sebastian Cantarino Adrian01623
30Vizcaino Hernandez Fernando01596
31Alonso Iturbe Gonzalo01578
32Martinez San Jose Jorge01552
33Olmedo Cerrato Javier01462
34Del Rio Cristobal Pablo01437
35Novo Sanjurjo Antonio01413
36Juanes Paniagua Alberto01272
37Borislavov Yordanov Sasho00
38Garcia Hernandez Alberto00
39Melero Marti Hector00
40Rodriguez Cano Juan Francisco00
41Sashov Yordanov Yonatan00