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November 2022 Individual Tournament

Last update 27.11.2022 05:17:07, Creator/Last Upload: Solomon Islands Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Baeango JamesSOL0
2Ferez TepaiSOL0
3Hatimoana PrinceSOL0
4Junior LuiSOL0
5Kaitu'u Chris AgikimuaSOL0
6Kaitu'u WilliamSOL0
7Maungongo PrinceSOL0
8Pugeva GeorgeSOL0
9Resture FredSOL0
10Sanga KellySOL0
11Taesabe SollySOL0
12Taikake SheldonSOL0
13Tangi MataiSOL0
14Tangia kevinSOL0