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Preliminary results

2022 Wild Card Chess Championship U14G

Last update 12.12.2022 11:50:19, Creator/Last Upload: Marius van Zyl

Starting rank list of players

1Bothma Jaculene210009735914356422GE01040wEkurhuleni
2Louw Nova21008859614332493GTP01029wTshwane Chess
3Pillay Ketana210010936114342456GTP01010wTshwane Chess
4Grootboom Chante20908378014356309GE0968wEkurhuleni
5Minnaar Rochelle210095078SED0911wSedibeng
6Netshimbupfe Yoanda210095050GE0814wEkurhuleni
7Loubser Lilliene210013180514362368GTP0672wTshwane Chess