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Selectivo SANTANDER Femenino a JN2023 Fase Final Ajedrez Clasico

Last update 19.12.2022 22:45:54, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

1Jaimes Florez Lucy Janeth4445937SAN1437
3Hernandez Sandoval Silvia Nathalia4496256SAN1277Chessfy
5Gomez Araque Laura Sofia4463480SAN1223Chessfy
2Reyes Pinzon Isabella4482247SAN1200
4Cupaban Alonso Luciana144406533SAN1148
7Correa Ibarra Emma SofiaSAN0
8Remolina Garcia Mayra XiomaraSAN0
6Senorita Bye (No da punto)0