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CAMPEONATO NACIONAL SUB 20 - DAMAS Chimbote Siembra Futuro

Last update 26.04.2012 21:28:42, Creator/Last Upload: IA Jorge Vega

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Starting rank list

1WFMChumpitaz AnnPER2214Lima
2Casusol CeciliaPER2020Chiclayo
3Zarate Oyague Flor De MarPER1924Trujillo
4WFMParedes Bustamante PaulaPER1893Trujillo
5Nunez Marquina Nataly MassielPER1891Trujillo
6Orbezo Rosales Ximena LuciaPER1804Lima
7Sanchez Zambrano VanessaPER1760Lima
8Castillo Martinez PaolaPER1726Lima
9Gutierres Bravo NicolePER1682Trujillo
10Beltran AnaPER0Chimbote
11Meza Rubio CarolinePER0Trujillo