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ITT Final Nacional de Mayores Femenino Selectivo Olimpiada Mundial 2012

Last update 12.06.2012 00:07:05, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

4WFMFranco Valencia Beatriz IANT2213
5WIMRodriguez Rueda Paula AndreaF.A2208
11WIMChirivi C Jenny AstridANT2180Paul Keres
7WFMCastrillon Gomez MelissaANT2176Envigado
10WCMOrozco Lina YomayraVAL2166Los Reyes (restrepo)
12WIMRivera IngrisBOL2148Comfamiliar
3WFMFranco Valencia AngelaANT2133
8WFMHerrera MilenaBOL2082Universidad De Cartagena
2Perez LauraBOG2050
6Pulido Diana MarcelaCUN2011
9WFMPachon AdrianaCUN1994
1Chirivi Angie LizethANT1927Paul Keres