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Magistral Milton Matone

Last update 23.04.2023 22:03:26, Creator/Last Upload: xequematebrasil

Starting rank list of players

9GMSupi, Luis Paulo2106388BRA2608
5GMEl Debs, Felipe De Cresce2106981BRA2544
1GMDiamant, Andre2108356BRA2516
4GMLima, Darcy2100045BRA2445
3IMPerdomo, Leandro109746ARG2408
2IMLanguidey, Simon Alejandro127000ARG2398
10IMGemy, Jose Daniel3301478BOL2333
7IMRodi, Luis Ernesto101710URU2291
8FMAlboredo, Julia2124807BRA2253
6NMTomiello, Lucas Costamilan22701940BRA2237