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IRT Final Nacional Sub-14 Masculino 2012

Last update 18.06.2012 19:22:03, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

10Zapata Arbelaez Estiven4406311ANT1963
1Blandon Luis Guillermo4408039ANT1956
9Diaz Herrera Leider Andres4408080BOY1896
8Gonzalez Andres Felipe4416864VAL1882
4Moreno Lozano David4418212BOG1882
6Gomez Guardo Cristian4408152BOL1855
5Anillo Castro Alfonso4427572ATL1854
2Suarez Pinto Sergio Rafael4418085SAN1746
7Rincon R Javier Duvan4429320SAN1700
3Agudelo Pedro Luis4427564CAU1670