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2023 Oceania Youth Championship Under 16

Last update 15.04.2023 08:11:14, Creator/Last Upload: New Zealand Chess Federation

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Starting rank list

1Teh, Rui Gen5749476AUS19872175
2Lee, Lachlan3232867AUS18401941
3Liu, Eric3250962AUS18331833
4Retnaraja, Ethan3236153AUS18061785
5Rupasinghe, Sayum3231313AUS17781804
6Anup Kumar, Vihaan3234517AUS16711694
7Kannan, Archit3237877AUS16611649
8Hong, Xavier3219143AUS16421678
9Chen, Austin3232638AUS16331514
10Simic, Filip3236668AUS15721505
11Jiang, Renfei3241980AUS15381596
12Chan, Benny61100013AUS14141383
13Zara, Baraa4310810NZL13991631
14Kong, Dexuan3226034AUS13791416
15Liang, Joshua3235343AUS12921202
16Liu, Kevin3242064AUS12021185
17Jain, Arnav3226018AUS11821032
18Wei, SebastianAUS10501050
19Ali Said, Louka551029081FRA00
20Bouchard, Maxime551043637FRA00
21Chand, Ayush11401931FIJ00