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Categoria Sub 12
Colégio GGE
Federação Pernambucana de Xadrez
Global Chess

Campeonato Pernambucano Escolar STD 2023 Sub 12

Last update 28.03.2023 05:44:21, Creator/Last Upload: avneraa

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Starting rank list

1De Moura, Joao Victor Lopes VerasBRA01800Colegio Motivo
2Beltrao, Davi Augusto de FrançaBRA15301770Colegio Nucleo
3Valenca, Gustavo Galdencio PortoBRA01754Colegio Visao
4De Souza, Julie Meneses LacerdaBRA01738Colegio Motivo
5De La Torre, Arthur Alejandro BandeiraBRA01698Colegio GGE
6Cezar, Eduardo de SouzaBRA00Colegio Grande Passo
7Pepeu, Lucas Vinicius da SilvaBRA00Diocesano Caruaru