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Magistral G-D
IFPE Recife

Magistral PE23 - GRUPO D

Last update 09.04.2023 23:17:46, Creator/Last Upload: avneraa

Starting rank list of players

2Davi Melo Mendonca44730365BRA01800Pernambuco
1Ewerton De Lima Trindade44711379BRA15511785Pernambuco
3Rikelme Amorim Dos Santos22767193BRA14711819Alagoas
4Caio SIlva Braga44724780BRA14521743Pernambuco
5Andrew Ryuji Silveira Sato44724888BRA14411773Pernambuco
7Kenio De Salles Menezes22784420BRA14281776Pernambuco
8Lucas Jose Santiago Timossi22782737BRA14251721Pernambuco
6Mateus Cesar Oliveira Silva22791442BRA13101757Rio Grande do Norte